- Teacher: Etuparo Buka
- Teacher: Miila Gena
- Teacher: Mere Kende
- Teacher: Wendy Kenu
- Teacher: Glen Mola
- Teacher: Florence Muga
- Teacher: Gelenta Salopuka
- Teacher: Sunita Sethy
- Teacher: Nayma Sultana
Domain 1 Chair – Professor. Georgia Guldan Credit Points 6
The (paper-based) Patient and Community problems include community health concepts as an integral part of “individual medicine” and written assessments will incorporate these concepts. Students will also be engaged in environmental health activities and this will contribute to Domain 1 assessment.
- Teacher: Etuparo Buka
- Teacher: Georgia Guldan
- Teacher: Mckenzie Maviso
- Teacher: Nakapi Tefuarani
- Teacher: John Vince
Domain 2 Chair – Dr. David Linge Credit Points 12
- Teacher: Naomi Hehonah
- Teacher: David Inaho
- Teacher: Wangi Linjim
- Teacher: Paul Pumuye
- Teacher: Gelenta Salopuka
- Teacher: Nayma Sultana
- Teacher: Shalon Taufa-Waine
- Teacher: Nakapi Tefuarani
- Teacher: Victor Temple
- Teacher: John Vince
- Teacher: Pauline Wake
- Teacher: Nigani Willie
Domain 3 Chair – Professor. John Vince Credit Points 6
Tutorials in history taking, physical examination and counselling will be held throughout year 3 and basic clinical skills will be assessed towards the end of trimester 3. Attendance at scheduled activities is an important aspect of your professional development; unsatisfactory attendance will impact on your marks and grades in Domain 3 and may lead to a requirement for additional activities. In the latter part of the year, there is a requirement for writing case reports in each of the clinical disciplines.
- Teacher: Etuparo Buka
- Teacher: Nakapi Tefuarani
- Teacher: John Vince
Domain 4 Chair – Professor. John Vince Credit Points 3
Teaching and assessment will include review of basic computer and information management skills, analysis of biological data, critical analysis of health-related issues and review of papers from the literature.
- Teacher: Elias Namosha
- Teacher: Nakapi Tefuarani
- Teacher: John Vince
Domain 5 Chair – Dr. Clare Tomdia Credit Points 3
Directed own-learning tasks, based on discipline deficiencies identified in year 2, and the own-learning viva following the Group Task, will all contribute to Domain 5 assessment. Student and supervisor reports on elective 3 will also be a component of assessment in this Domain; late submission of contracts or reports will attract academic penalties.
- Teacher: Nakapi Tefuarani
- Teacher: John Vince